Clocks go BACK Sunday for Daylight Saving

by Charles Gerian

Get ready to turn your clocks back this weekend. The extra hour of sunlight will come to an end officially at 2 a.m. Sunday morning November 3. The advantage is most people will get an extra hour of sleep.

The bad news is that it will now be dark when coming home from work and any remaining yard work will have to wait until the weekend. It also means that morning sun will be popping through our bedroom windows an hour earlier every morning.

Daylight Saving Time originated in the late 1800s from New Zealander George Vernon Hudson, and was first implemented in Germany and Austria-Hungary starting on Apr. 30, 1916.

A unique thing about Daylight Savings Time is the United States of America and the UK as well as a very small portion of Africa and South America are the only countries to use it.

Several studies have suggested that Daylight Saving Time actually increases motor fuel consumption; but after the 2007 extension of Daylight Saving Time, the Department of Energy has confirmed it has no effect.

Retailers, sporting goods makers, and other businesses benefit from extra afternoon sunlight, as it induces customers to shop and to participate in outdoor afternoon sports.