Council: new project to link Blackwell schools via "safe" sidewalk system

by Charles Gerian

The Blackwell City Council met this past Thursday to close out the month of February with big plans for combining Blackwell’s sidewalks in the near future to build a safer and more accessible community.

The meeting began with a report from Top of Oklahoma Museum Director Melissa Hudson, stating that the museum was about to undergo an extensive re-carpeting following their repairs to the ceiling, windows, and water damage from years past.

Due to the winter weather last week the City of Blackwell’s CFO could not attend the meeting but submitted his report to the council digitally. City Manager Jerry Wieland reiterated the report, stating that the City of Blackwell was seeing a positive upwards swing in sales tax revenue and that budget meeting would begin towards the end of March or the first of April.

The City Council also took action on updating their own tobacco age ordinance in accordance with state law where the age to buy tobacco and vape products was raised years ago to 21 from 18. While all gas stations and stores within Blackwell updated their age requirements, this specific ordinance made sure there was no potential liability with the age requirements.

The Council then awarded the 13th street reconstruction/overlay bid to Evans & Associates for $2,132,167.50 with a start date of March 17, as was discussed at the first meeting in February.

Following that, the Blackwell City Council took action on an updated contract between the Town of Braman and the City of Blackwell for electrical work as well as the creation of the Braman Municipal Authority. The City of Blackwell provides electrical work and service to the Town of Braman, and this new agreement will be good for 20 years with Blackwell having the option to terminate the agreement every 5 years with a 180-day notice.

Finally, the City discussed the 2022 ODOT Transportation Alternative Program and approved a proposal from urban architect R.L. Shears for $15,000 to design sidewalks along with Ferguson for a city-wide “Safe Route” system which would install sidewalks that connect to Blackwell’s elementary, middle, and high school as well as the parks along the way.

The council approved the item. The meeting ended just past 8 p.m.