Share food - and memories. Tomorrow is never promised.

by Jordan Green

Ever seen a movie called “Breakfast at Tiffany’s?” I haven’t, but I’m sure it’s not nearly as tasty as breakfast at Mimi’s. This column comes to you from the dining room table in the home of my grandparents, better known as Mimi and Papa, near Ramona in Washington County.

I write this with a warm heart – and a full belly. All my life, I’ve never had a better breakfast than what Mimi makes. Ever since I was a wee little guy, I’ve loved the scintillating, tantalizing smell of biscuits, gravy, bacon and eggs that wafts throughout their home in the morning.

We sit around the table, looking out the window at the great outdoors as we chow down. We just polished off another one of those wonderful meals. Eating breakfast with my grandparents is one of my favorite things to do in life, and our meals are some of my fondest memories.

There’s something about sharing food with others, especially our families, that is so beautiful. Even more than the giving of gifts, the Christmas season – like Thanksgiving – is marked by tasty family meals. Something about sharing food with the ones we love provides an unrivaled emotional closeness. It’s a good reminder of why God designed family like He did, and the same goes for mealtime.

That’s what struck me most last week as I worked on a story about the Wheatheart Nutrition Center, which delivers hot meals to homebound seniors and hosts inperson meals for seniors. A woman who helps manage the project said some of the people she has delivered meals to have become like her “adopted grandparents.”

They’ve welcomed her into their lives and hearts and helped her become complete. That sound beautiful, and best of all, it’s absolutely true – and available to me and you. More than just helping folks out, meal delivery drivers are serving others. That’s the key to creating relationships that matter and make our lives better. The people who volunteer to deliver meals do that very thing, and although their primary goal is to serve others, they may be the ones to receive the greatest reward.

The same is true for Mimi’s breakfasts. I know how much work she puts into scrambling eggs and whipping up gravy for us. She wants to serve us well, and in return, we all get to spend time together, and we get to express our gratitude and love for her.

Everyone benefits. If you’ve read much news lately, you’re bound to arrive at the conclusion that tomorrow is not always promised. So, we’d better make our todays count. And when we think about making our days count, what really matters most? I’m learning that time spent with the people we love matters more than money, materialism, fame or status. I get a lot more out of sitting around and talking with my friends and family than I do from anything else, really. Of course, I recognize that I’ve been blessed more than I deserve because I have such a wonderful family.

Many do not, for one reason or another. That is truly a tragedy. However, whether you have family ties by blood and marriage or not, you too can have a loving family. As an eternal optimist, at least on my better days, I believe that everyone has a friend waiting for them in this world. If you haven’t made such friendships yet, keep trying. With time, dedication and devotion, those friends can become our families. And even without blood or marital lineage, those ties can become just as strong. Perhaps sharing a meal with someone in need is a good way to make a new friend and expand your family this holiday season.

Whether you volunteer for a service organization or just invite your neighbors over, you too can experience the love and fellowship that comes with a good meal. Now, I’m not sure anyone can make breakfast quite as well as my Mimi. But whether your meal tastes as good as hers do isn’t important. The joy that comes from creating valuable relationships will leave your belly, and your heart, full forever. Merry Christmas, and may God bless you!