Remodel work continues on Blackwell High

July 20, 2023

Take an old school and make it new said Blackwell voters in the Nov. 9, 2021, election. By more than 80 percent yes votes, a bond was approved to remodel the Blackwell High School campus built in 1962. The remodeling began at the end of school, May, 2022, and is scheduled to be finished in August 2024.

“It is much more difficult to remodel than to build new,” said Blackwell High School Principal Gerry Magin. “It was decided, however, that the old structure was sound and that it would be most economical to remodel. By that we could touch many campus buildings as opposed to building only a new high school.”

The bond passed for $23 million with $19 million for the actual construction. The construction is divided into phases as the facility continues to be used during the school years. Remodeling additional campus areas includes the auditorium, old gym, new football concession stand, restrooms, locker rooms and press box.

Phase 1 is completed and includes the bleachers and press box at the football stadium, the wood shop and the Vo-Ag building which has a new roof. Phase 2 is underway. A new office and the football concession and restrooms are part of this phase.

Hopefully the office will be finished by the beginning of this school year.

The auditorium is scheduled to be completed by the end of December. This building will have new lifetime guarantee gravity seats, restrooms, painting and sound and lighting systems. The A, B and C wings of the old school have been reimagined as spirit, loyalty and victory halls.

The new spirit hall, formerly B wing, should be ready for the fall 2023 semester.

English and math classes are housed in this wing. Holding classes and activities during this construction has been challenging, according to Magin.

Teachers have taught in classes separated by cloth curtains. “There’s been lots of shuffling,“ he added. “Band and chorus should be back in their areas by second semester.”

Homecoming will be held October 6 with the schedule as follows:

10 a.m. - coffee in the BHS gym.

11 a.m. - Blackwell School Foundation Lunch in the Kay Room on Doolin.

1:30 p.m. - Alumni Assembly in the Blackwell Event Center at the Fairgrounds.

4 p.m. - Homecoming Parade down Main Street

6:30 p.m. - Coronation at the BHS football field.

7 p.m.- Blackwell vs. Alva football game.