Governor Stitt approves planned Blackwell Industrial Park expansion

by Charles Gerian

The City of Blackwell was present last week at the meeting of the Commissioners of the Land Office at the Oklahoma State Capitol Building in the presence of Governor Kevin Stitt, Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell, and State Auditor Cindy Byrd to annex over 500 acres of land to expend Blackwell’s limits and be used as a planned expansion for the Blackwell Industrial Park.

The land in question are governed by the State Land Office and can be used to support common schools, colleges and universities. The land being considered for annexation is surrounded by Doolin Avenue, 13th Street, Adobe Road, and 29th Street.

Blackwell City Manager Jerry Wieland, City Clerk Traci Hanebrink, Attorney Bryce Kennedy, and Charlene Flanery Executive Director for the Blackwell Industrial Authority and Economic Development Authority were present at the meeting.

The vote was unanimous, motioned by Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell who was just in Blackwell earlier this month as a guest speaker for the “Boost Blackwell” Luncheon held at the Kay Room.

This annexation will ultimately go before the Blackwell City Council with a public hearing which will be held in January with a date to be announced soon where Blackwell citizens can attend and receive more information.

“Today marks a historic milestone for the City of Blackwell and the Blackwell Industrial Authority. Together in partnership, we were able to look at ways to expand our industrial park presence in order to attract new investment into our community,” said Flanery of the BIA / BEDA.

“This event shows how the power of collaboration and partnership can move things forward.”

She continued:

“We are ecstatic that the Commissioners of the Land Office voted unanimously to annex the school land that is contiguous to the Blackwell Industrial Authority’s land.”

“This industrial park expansion project will allow us to market over 640 acres to attract new investment opportunities with higher wage jobs. I want to thank our City Manager, Jerry Weiland for all his support and collaboration on this project.”

“We now have a larger capability to compete and access prospective funding opportunities for critical infrastructure on our property. We look forward to future collaborations in growing Blackwell.”

City Manager Wieland echoed Flanery’s positivity:

“It was a honor and a privilege to be at the capital today, before the CLO Commissioner’s representing Blackwell. Many people helped us get to today!

“Special thanks to Charlene Flannery, executive director of the BIA, the partnership with the city is moving Blackwell into the future.”

““And again, special thanks to our City Attorney Bryce Kennedy for his exhaustive work in helping us achieve all of us as a team.”

“The opportunity to grow Blackwell’s cooperate city limits by one square mile is historic.”

“I would like to thank Governor Stitt and the rest of the commissioners for their time and unanimous vote to agree to annex into the city limits of Blackwell.”