Change a life: volunteer for Wheatheart

This past Monday, I went on my first ride-along.
Not with the Police Department, but with Wheatheart Nutrition.
After the passing of my dad in the spring, myself and my coworkers encouraged my mom to volunteer her time at Wheatheart in Blackwell, helping the senior citizens in our community. Recently, she started doing meal delivery routes, and she has loved every moment of it.
There’s nothing quite like seeing the smiling faces of Blackwell’s residents getting a hot meal every day, but the unfortunate reality is that Wheatheart doesn’t have nearly enough people wanting to lend a helping hand.
These people look forward to their deliveries every day. The stand at the door, smiling, eager to chat and to ask about your day. You become a valuable part of these people’s lives.
Wheatheart Nutrition serves nearly 300 lunches per day, 4 days a week, and acts not only as a place for area seniors to congregate and eat nutritious meals, but also to play games, socialize, and make new friends.
Wheatheart Nutrition Project has 13 sites across 8 counties. Blackwell’s site is crucial, as they have one of the project’s 3 kitchens which cooks for over 200 in the local area.
Wheatheart Nutrition Project, Inc. prepares and serves congregate and home bound meals in an eight county area.
The menus are developed by a Registered Dietician and provide 1/3 the daily allowances established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council.
The purpose of the project is to serve midday meals to persons age 60 or older, promote social activities, support services, and to provide outreach information and referral on topics of interest to senior citizens. Nutrition education and counseling are also available.
In addition to the fun programs, food, bingo, and holiday activities, Wheatheart also holds nutritional education and other informative programs.
In addition to the staff within Wheatheart, the organization also relies on volunteers to help with meal deliveries to the home-bound.
Wheatheart currently has around 13-15 volunteers, but are always searching for more to help.
Monthly, Wheatheart averages over 100 combined volunteer hours helping out around the center and delivering food to Blackwell, Tonkawa, Newkirk, and Pond Creek.
In the colder months, Wheathart’s need for volunteer meal drivers increases dramatically as more people choose to stay home instead of braving the elements.
Wheatheart averages around 25-40 people a day in the center on Blackwell Avenue. The staff stated that prior to the pandemic, they would see anywhere from 80-100 coming in.
Aside from volunteering, Wheatheart is always open to accepting donations.
Bingo prizes, tea, coffee, sugar, creamers, condiments, and monetary donations are always welcome as well.
For those 60 or over who wish to come to Wheatheart or want home-delivered meals, all they have to do is call (580) 262 0303.
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