BHS to host musical Friday: Choir and Buxton's Class come together

March 05, 2025

Blackwell’s Choir and Jamie Buxton’s class will be performing a special play called “Bugz” this Friday March 7 at 7 p.m. in the Blackwell High School Auditorium, the performance is open to the public and all are encouraged to come and see the culmination of the two departments’ 6 months of hard work. 

“Bugz” follows a group of colorful insects coming together for a picnic- the Lady Bugs are in charge of proper etiquette, the Army Ants will handle security, the Fireflies are in charge of lighting, and entertainment will be provided by the Bumble Bees. 

It looks like everything is set until the event is upended when the Stink Bug wants to come as well. The whimsical performance includes original songs and clever rhyming dialog.

Jamie Buxton, educator at BHS, said that she was immensely proud of the work her class had been doing. 

“We are doing brief performances from the musical all week here at the school for various groups of students, to show off the work,” said Buxton, “I was so excited when Michaela DeBrugge approached me about this.” 

Michaela DeBrugge, Vocal Instructor for Blackwell Middle School and Blackwell High School, said that the collaborative effort has been a fantastic experience for the groups.

“I’ve seen where a lot of schools are doing collaborative performances like this,” said DeBrugge, “this was a big passion project for all involved. It gives kids a chance to be on stage and be ‘seen’ in a way they might not normally be used to. Every student gets a chance to perform here, and that’s what’s important.” 

DeBrugge continued: 

“Seeing these students face their fears and come out of their shell on stage has been so rewarding for all of us. At first, when we began working on this, they would hardly even go out on stage. Now, they’ve really come to embrace it.” 

DeBrugge explained that her vocal students accompany the other students on stage, and that the work is a “true partnership”. 

“We are so excited for everyone to see it.”